May 9, 2011

Final NDEQ Industrial Stormwater Permit

The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) currently anticipates that the revised industrial stormwater discharge permit will be finalized in th near future, with an effective date of July 1, 2011. The draft permit was released in 2010, and public meetings and a public comment period was held in February 2011. NDEQ is currently revising the general permit based on public comment.

The revised Nebraska general permit is based to a large extent on the US EPA Multisector General Permit (MSGP), which was released in 2008. The revised permit will likely include significant changes to the compliance requirements for Nebraska industrial and "industrial-like" facilities. This includes periodic sampling of stormwater discharges and the requirement to meet effluent standards and/or stormwater benchmarks.

Caltha LLP has prepared a stormwater pollution prevention plan template (SWPPP template) to meet the requirements of the MSGP, including a storm water monitoring plan and storm water permit compliance plan. For more information email Caltha at

Caltha LLP provides expert environmental consultant services in Nebraska to obtain air and wastewater permits, evaluate regulatory requirements, and to develop cost effective compliance programs.

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