- A $94,298 grant, expressed through a cooperative agreement, will allow the tribe to continue the process of establishing a brownfields tribal response program to address contaminated sites on the reservation with the goal of returning them to beneficial reuse.
- A $15,000 grant to the tribe’s Environmental Protection Department will help the department build its overall capacity to protect human health and the environment. Specific work to be funded by the grant includes expansion of the tribal solid waste program, including tire removal; research for additional funding opportunities; the mapping of abandoned homesteads; and working with the tribe’s land management office to plot no-till acreage.
EPA provides financial assistance to states and tribes to help them implement environmental programs. States and tribes may receive these funds in individual environmental program categorical grants, or choose to combine grants in a performance partnership grant. The Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska is one of nine federally recognized tribes within EPA Region 7.
Caltha LLP provides expert environmental consultant services in Nebraska to obtain air and wastewater permits, evaluate regulatory requirements, and to develop cost effective compliance programs.
For further information contact Caltha LLP at info@calthacompany.com or Caltha LLP Website